Sean is noted in the Legal 500 for his ‘pragmatism, persistence and availability.’
“We were sorry to see Sean leave us in 2012 but are thrilled to have him back working with us as a Consultant. Sean’s knowledge of the industry including operational aspects, key participants and commercial structures gives our team a distinct advantage to our competitors”
Nick Davis, CEO of London law firm, Memery Crystal LLP
“Sean is always looking for solutions and possibilities; he adds value and brings a very constructive approach and attitude to each project”
Mark Webster, Director, New Endeavour Resources (N.Z.) Limited
“I worked a significant UKCS asset sale/purchase deal a few years ago as Purchaser with Sean acting for the Seller. His ability to identify and promptly address critical issues saved a great deal of time and was a major contribution in getting the transaction successfully completed. A very effective and pragmatic lawyer (and good fun with it)”
John Arnton, Group Legal Manager, Faroe Petroleum plc.
“There are two types of lawyers in this world – deal makers and deal breakers – Sean, you are a deal maker”
Keith Hughes, Senior Partner at Le Bouef, Lamb, Green and MacRae after Petro-Canada successfully acquired the Intrepid Group of Companies (including a 29% interest in the UK’s Buzzard field) from his client for US$840 million.
“Sean’s involvement probably saved us 2 months’ worth of additional negotiations”
Guy Jarvis, VP Enbridge Pipelines Inc commenting when signing the US$2.2 billion Design, Build, Own and Operate “dilbit” pipeline agreement between Petro-Canada and Enbridge.
“Sean’s contribution in getting these agreements to signature over the last few weeks has been significant – we wouldn’t have done it without him”
Jo Danko, lead Commercial Manager for CH2M Hill, at the signing of the two CAD$250 million Fort Hills (Petro-Canada) EPCs.
“I have received a number of compliments from outside parties talking about the professionalism and thoroughness of our team and processes. To this end, I would like to thank you for all of your time and effort. You were a key participant in making this happen.”
Harry Roberts, CFO of Petro-Canada after Petro-Canada’s successful US$1.5 billion public debt offering, 2008.